Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Convergency for the Good or the Bad?

Both of these articles about backpack journalism (or BPJ as I like to call it) had great points that hit home with me. As a recently converted broadcast major to convergence, I often have mixed feelings about the role of BPJers and their impact on the established journalism community. Although the idea is nice, are we really just cost-effective-young-multitaskers that the journalism corportations are taking advantage of? I like to think that we are making the world a better place by giving the audience more of a say in their news and making it more intersting and inclusive, but at times I don't even know myself.

The question of a BPJ being a mush of mediocrity or a "Jack of all trades, and master none" is true but inaccurate in my opinion. The field of journalism isn't the only field that is cutting corners with technological-savvy young workers or using the Internet to their advantage. Journalists have been criticized for decades and I think this is another one of those times. If newspapers decided to stick strictly with print and not try to incoporate multimedia aspects, people would say they're behind the times. When they try to branch out, they are criticized for not focusing on content enough.

I can't say exactly where I stand in the whole muck of it because I haven't decided one way or another. I do know that I am an intelligent young woman, and if the Internet and podcasts is what they want, darn it I'll give it to them! Until I make up my mind, I guess I'll continue to read what the world has to say about these BPJers who are changing the journalism world, whether we like it or not.

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