Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Backpack Journalism Is Here to Stay! response by Jennifer Elston

After reading the two articles, I tend to agree with Jane Stevens, as opposed to Martha Stone's pessimistic view on backpack/convergence journalism.  The idea of being a part of this new wave of journalism and using different media to best capture and tell a story excites me.  However, I do agree with Stone's point that a convergence journalist simply can not do it all perfectly.  Other sequences have the opportunity to master one art, while a convergence journalist is exposed to all parts of journalism.  Part of me is frightened at the thought of successfully using all medias to capture a story.  What if I miss something?  Stone brings up a valid point when she asks "is a still frame from a video as good as a photographer's photo?"  However, I do believe in convergence journalism and Stone's article did not dishearten me greatly.  

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