Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brandon Twichell--Backpack Journalism is Here to Stay

-By Brandon Twichell

Jane Stevens' article about backpack journalism only reinforced my desire to want to become a backpack journalist. This kind of journalism is more important now than it ever has been. Readers, viewers, and listeners are always wanting more while newsrooms continuously cut jobs to balance their budgets. It is getting to the point where there might not be another option but to become a backpack journalist. 
As Stevens said, just because someone is a Jack (or Jill)-of-all-trades does not mean that they are a master of none. That is the beauty of Mizzou's convergence program! We convergence students have a chance to learn a width of skills while having a depth in a certain area, whether it be print, broadcast, photography, etc. In this way we increase our chances of landing a stable job.

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