Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I agree with the opinion of what Stevens argues. As the technology develops, integrating its technology into a news room is inevitable. As she said, the ability to use the multimedia tool like video, still camera and audio is necessary for the journalists. This argument can be understood if we recognize that audiences prefer to follow up the news made by the multimedia reporting. At least, it will happen in the near future if you don't agree with that. Thus, it can be found easily that "Over the next 20 years, if economic conditions don't worsen and technological developments continue apace, the content of the newspaper and the television news shows are likely to be delivered principally over the Internet.".
On the other hand, the argument of Stone doesn't make sense to me. Her argument is full of the fear that the journalists should be well equipped to use the multimedia tools- it may result from the hope that some journalists don't want to do. 
There is no an explaination of why the backpack journalism is ridiculous in her article. - the cost of producing the multimedia, which is the concerns of the CEO of the news organization is a non-sense in terms of the way of meeting the expectation of what the audiences want to see and listen to.

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