Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Journalism and Flash Projects

Flash can be such a valuable instrument with regards to journalism and the public's understanding of an event that could be told with chronologically. When thinking about this post, I thought of graphs that newspapers have printed in the past when there's been school shootings on high school and college campuses. An interactive graphic made with flash can provide step-by-step conditions of the events that would be fitting to tell with the graphic rather than write in a print story. The Times-Picayune published an interactive graphic that told the step-by-step advancement of Hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans communities. The graphic offers a legend, telling readers what stands for a breach, flooded land, a comprised levee and levees. Readers can click forward and back through the scenes of the event as as they do, the time and date is consistent with where the reader is in the graphic. This timeline of events is a great resource to recall online rather than reading through one or a few articles to determine what happened when. 

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