Thursday, November 6, 2008


I felt that the checklist posted at the end of the Good & Bad Design reading was one of the most helpful, applicable parts of the reading. It kind of summed up what you should and shouldn't do when you're putting together a Web page. What I essentially got out of the reading was that a Web site's design should be based on both function and accessibility. It should be set up to serve the visitor and make it easy for them to access and use all content on the page, as well as move around the site easily. Design should also be pretty simple, allowing for a lot of space. This reading reminded me of Jakob Lodwick. He's a computer programmer responsible for businesses/Web sites like and, and used to be really into blogging (who's made fun of quite a bit on Valleywag!). He's always stressed simplicity; how so many Web sites have bought into flashy banners, complicated functions and busy designs, but how that actually makes a site less presentable and hard to read. I've noticed that I love using applications/Web sites with simple designs
Also, I cracked up at little lines like "Oh my gawd. If you're going to set type really little, PLEASE don't make it italic." Cute. Haha.

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