Thursday, November 20, 2008


Flash Journalism fresh prospect for online journalism with many possibilities and applications for informational sites.  Rollover info-graphics, creative ads, slideshows, buttons, the options seem endless.  Flash improves both aesthetics and functionality of websites creating a more effective journalistic package.

Flash can engage the viewers senses while allowing for a interactive experience that they will not find in other forms of media such as television.  The audience can also provide feedback and interact with other users fairly easily if the program is implemented correctly.  In addition to that, the article emphasizes adaptivity and modifiability that can easily take place through those who run the site.

However, there needs to be a balance between flash graphics and information, too many graphics can hinder the overall effectiveness of the site and the host could lose users in a maze of interactivity.  The purpose of the site could be lost to fancy gizmos.

Overall, Flash is something that deserves a good look for any journalist wanting a top-tier site.

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