Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Adderall story

I thought this was a very good radio story with interviews from experts, users, campus police's take on the issue, and even an Adderall dealer. I find it very impressive that they were able to get all of these interviews, especially the users and dealer, since they were endangering themselves by openly discussing the issue. Very well put together story that depicted the Adderall consumption on this campus very accurately. I know many, many people that take Adderall and it is fairly easy to get a perscription or to find someone with one. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was a kid, as many others were, and I'm pretty sure I could get a perscription if I really wanted one. I know people who hate the stuff and people who swear by it as a kind of miracle study drug. I was pretty surprised when I heard the officer say that kids cought with Adderall could be expelled from the campus. I guess since so many people use it, they are really cracking down on Adderall consumption.

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