Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pictures of the Year post

J.T. Burns

Generally, I receive my news through either television, newspaper, or online articles.  I don't have very much experience with multimedia stories.  That being said, I was surprised by the emotional response that I had while watching "A New Dawn".  

I felt that the combination of images, music, and speaking gave this story a very strong emotional feel to it.  The black and white images were very powerful.  I don't think this story would have worked as well if it was in video format; each individual image had a its own message and feel to it that would have been lost if this story was a video. 

Because of the music, this story had an extra infusion of emotion than a written story.  The music set the mood and tone of what the reader was hearing and seeing.  All in all, I really enjoyed this medium.  It does a great job of eliciting an emotional response from the viewer.

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