Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Neuticles response

This audio news piece was really interesting to me because I have heard about Neuticles in the past before but I never really knew what it was. This audio piece informed me on what the product was and then gave provided the views of people that are for Neuticles and against it. I think that the audio piece could have essentially given a little more detail onto the procedure, and what benefit they think it brings to the dog perhaps. Healing information and possible side effects should have been listed as well since it is an operation after all.

I thought it was interesting to know that majority of the people who purchase Neuticles for their dogs are males who have masculinity issues and don’t want their dogs walking around without testicles. It was quite intriguing to see that not many female owners thought it was necessary to get this procedure done. I also liked how a local doctor from Columbia mentioned that she didn’t think it made a difference to the dog if they had artificial testicles implanted or not. She explained that once those hormones were removed from the canine's body they no longer acted like a canine with hormones.

So essentially this procedure seems to only benefit the owners of the dogs or other animals that this procedure is offered to. I think that its pretty pathetic that owners need their pets to have testicles in order to feel comfortable with their masculinity to be able to take their pet on a walk or etc.

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