Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prosthetic Balls to the Walls, Neuticles is a Rock Solid Piece(s) You Won't Miss by Jake Carah

I love a well executed, deadpan-novelty-story in any mode of journalism be it print, broadcast or radio. I thought the Neuticles spot seemed to (forgive me) neuter the competition, in the selection of examples we had to choose from. The fact that these prosthetic canine testicles came to market by a man from Missouri speaks volumes about the state we're in, as well as what people will buy for there pets. In considering the narrative and sound bytes presented by the reporter the story is a veritable tongue-and-cheek kick to the..."cadillac of prosthetic dog testicles."

 Upon a review of the story the humor can seem a tad campy, yet I feel it is the novelty of the product and that it is a story for radio that makes it work. If it had been told in any other medium lets say with pictures this story would have dropped like the proverbial. . . eh, you get the picture.  And that is the point. Listening and imagining the aspects of this story idea, while a bit puerile, uncouth or perhaps even gross in actuality, the satire and delivery mode make it clever and funny.  Besides, I think that is the point of convergence, it is finding the mode or medium in which to tell a story the best way and as for neuticles I don't believe I would have like to have heard it any other way.

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