Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Integrating dueling elements

Writing for video is essentially an art of combining two mediums. I like to think of the video element as a supplement to the writing because the story still depends on the reporter's lead, transitions, and contextual setup. The sound bytes replace the quotes of a story, which aren't the reporter's creation anyway. So video to me is supplemental to the traditional way of storytelling, not a new way.

Obviously writing for the video will be different. You are limited to the context of the footage you were able to capture and to the time frame of the piece. But the readings give guidelines that mimic the structure of most any guide to writing straight news. Tailoring the video to the story is the challenge I think. It requires intense editing and constant reflection and therefore revision.

Apparently the focus statement is among the most important tasks to achieve in a visual story. It ties in all of the elements and directs the viewer's attention to what will be going on so they can funnel what they see and hear into one coherent concept.

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