Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Video Ethics

Editing video for news comes with a different set of video ethics than does editing video for filmmaking. My own background is in editing film which is why I've been finding myself having to be very careful in what we're editing for class so far. In film editing, you have a great deal of freedom to manipulate the images and audio to tell your story and get your desired end result. In editing news, you have to be careful not to manipulate the words or meanings of your subjects even if that would get you a more effective end result.
Even though some ethics differ between news and film, the techniques of film editing can still be employed for news stories. Video Editing: The Invisible Art (Chapter 3) talks about the use of parallel cutting.  Even though this is a device regularly used in film to show simultaneous actions and to add suspense, it can also be used in news such as in hostage situations where many things are happening at the same time. It enhances continuity.

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