Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nate Birt - Writing for Visual Mediums - for Oct. 21

After reading about writing for a visual medium, I am going to make a concerted effort to introduce and close the story I produce by myself without allowing a source to do it for me.
According to the piece titled "Writing the Package," it's important to carefully fuse voiceover content with the actually visual content of the video. If you're talking about people eating chili at a fundraising event, for example, you wouldn't want to show the outside of the building at that time. Instead, you'd want to show the people eating their chili and having a (fun/enjoyable/fill-in-your-choice-of-adjective) time.
I didn't know that so much advanced planning went into a TV news story, though I suppose it's only natural. Even for a breaking news story, this chapter notes, reporters can take the time to get to understand the story and frame it appropriately.
I plan to use the idea of building a script for my piece and writing out the script. It seems like it will be rather difficult to time things — for example, how long it takes to do a particular voiceover and then transition into interview footage, B-roll and so on, but I'm sure that after a few rounds of practice (something we discussed in class), it will go more naturally. I'm also wondering how we will insert a voiceover into our videos, but it's something we'll probably be learning about soon.

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