Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The "Staged, Staging, Stages" article was a really good thing to read before we shoot our video clips. Wertheimer gave some really good examples of staging in TV news. I was shocked when he said that even setting up lights in someone's office is considered staging, since it isn't the natural/everyday lighting. It's easy to let yourself do things like that, but the article pointed out the more subtle ones and really explained a lot about how important it is to film events as they happen. 
He also talked about the benefit of using wireless mics. I wasn't sure which mic I would use for my story, but now I'm definitely using the wireless ones because of the natural sound and thoughts you can capture with them. His technique of actually leaving the room and coming back in was really clever, because it gets people to forget they're even wearing the microphone, which produces more natural and truthful thoughts. The more natural the person feels, the more honest they'll be, and the stronger the story will be as well. 

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