Thursday, March 12, 2009

video - Lindsey Wolf

I found a video from a CNN affiliate about a firefighter who was laid off while overseas fighting in the War on Terror. With the economy, the fire chief had to lay off the 38 most recent hires, and Leo Pike happened to be in the middle of the pack. Pike’s father was concerned about his son’s wellbeing coming home from Iraq, but now he is worried about him financially as well, since he won’t have a job to come home to. This story was able to show both viewpoint, the father and the fire chief, to understand why Pike had to lose his job.

I also found this story in a print version online. Both versions were useful. With the video version, you could actually see the chief was upset about having to fire so many men and the reaction of the father. Since they couldn’t actually interview Pike, since he was in the middle of a tour of duty, they showed pictures his father had all over the house. This showed how his father really cared about his wellbeing and that he would return home safely. Print stories make it easier to access the information again. You can scan an article much easier for any information you were confused on, but with a video, you have to re-watched the entire story.

The video was good because it was the debut of this story, but the article was able to go more in depth about how the union is fighting for this man’s job. Videos can only be so long, so the can’t delve in as deep as this article did.

Both versions of the story are useful, but I really like that in the video you could actually see how the two sources felt about the subject and what was going on.

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