Monday, September 8, 2008

the challenge of photojournalisms

The central lesson I picked up on while reviewing the readings was that excellent photography is, essentially, about being an excellent observer. I feel like that's a key skill to tone in order to be any kind of journalist, and when it comes to photojournalism— where you only have one opportunity, really, to get a given shot— knowing what's going on around you at all times and "hunting" for the best people, environments and action shots is incredibly important. Although I like taking pictures with my small point and shoot camera, I've never worked with professional equipment before or taken pictures for a journalistic purpose, so this is definitely new to me, and to be honest I'm a little bit nervous. While the article was interesting and fascinating— I like the romanticized view of feature photography— it reminded me of how many little things there are to remember in order to produce a good feature photo, and I'm a little worried about how my assignment will turn out. But I'm much more excited than nervous— this is something totally new for me, and something I'm really ready to try out.

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