Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Coulter Family

The first one that caught my attention was from the Star Tribune in Minnesota about the Coulter family and the 35W bridge collapse. This happened in my home town (I was still in Columbia that summer) and I used to drive on that bridge almost everyday. I still remember trying to call home the evening that it happened and not being able to get through because of the number of calls in that area. Luckily, none on my family/friends were hurt. But that's the reason why this one caught my eye first. 
I thought the pictures did a really nice job of conveying emotion through facial expressions. The portraits helped convey the emotion, but I also thought the number of scene setter shots used was good. They did a good job of showing the entire scene-and it isn't everyday that you see a major bridge collapse. I thought the audio was really good too, the phone ringing was creative and reminded me of what I personally had experienced that day trying to call home. When the reader/viewer feels a personal connection to the piece (especially if they weren't directly involved) it's a sign that they did a good job with it. 

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