Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good Advice

"The Great Picture Hunt" made me think about things related to photojournalism I've never considered before, packing toilet paper not being the least of them. I mean, who would think they need to make sure there's gas in their car before they head out on a shoot that isn't that far away? But David LaBelle has been there and experienced the need for these things, and pointed out to me their usefulness. So when I go to do my own shoot I'll be better prepared, and be ready to expect the unexpected.. Perhaps I won't find much surprising in Columbia, Missouri, but I'll never know what the future holds. I might as well be ready for it.

The pictures by David Snider were probably my favorite part of this homework. I love how he can take an ordinary experience or moment, and make it into something worth looking twice at. Having always been a people watcher, I've seen little things that most people assume go unnoticed, and I can't wait to get out with a camera and try to capture them on film. He brings forward the everyday that doesn't usually get looked twice at, and the everyday simple things have always been some of my favorite parts of life. David made me excited to see what I can do, and gave me confidence in my own potential.

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